Sofist Minimalist Sofa by Sule Koc

Sofist Minimalist Sofa by Sule Koc (3)

What do you get if you combine minimalism and sophistication? Definitely a lot of superb stuff. One very relevant example is Sofist, a simple yet visually stunning piece of furniture by designer Sule Koc. Basically a metal skeletal body and a couple of cushions, this sofa is perfectly functional as well. On one end there is a flat wooden surface like a small table for resting different objects, while on the other end of the sofa the metal body holds several fabric folds meant to keep magazines and books. Also the inside of the frame can be used as a storage space or a sleeping spot for a pet.

Sofist Minimalist Sofa by Sule Koc (1)

Sofist Minimalist Sofa by Sule Koc (2)

Sofist Minimalist Sofa by Sule Koc (3)
