6 Budget-Friendly Ideas for Protecting a Home Against Ants

6 Budget-Friendly Ideas for Protecting a Home Against Ants

If you’ve been dealing with ants in your home, you know how frustrating and pesky they can be. They are a nuisance, but they can also be a health hazard. There are many ways to protect your home against ants, but some can be expensive. This article will learn six budget-friendly ideas for keeping ants out of your home.

1. Use a Liquid Ant Bait

If you have an ant problem, one of the best things you can do is use liquid ant bait. Liquid ant baits work by attracting ants with a sweet substance and then poisoning them. This will kill the ants and help prevent new ones from coming into your home. To use a liquid ant bait, place it in an area where you’ve seen ants and wait for them to take the bait back to their nest. Make sure to read the instructions on the package so that you know how much bait to use and how often to replace it. If you have pets or small children, be sure to put the bet in a place they cannot access for safety purposes.

2. Use Diatomaceous Earth

Also known as silicon dioxide, this white powder is made from the fossilized remains of algae. When ants come into contact with diatomaceous earth, it will kill them. You can sprinkle it around your home in areas where you’ve seen ants or in places where they are likely to enter. Just be sure not to inhale the powder, as it can also be harmful to humans. If you have pets, keep them away from areas where you’ve used diatomaceous earth.

3. Use Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural ant repellent. You can create a homemade ant spray by mixing equal parts of water and vinegar. Then, spray it in areas where you’ve seen ants or where they are likely to enter your home. Vinegar is safe to use around children and pets, but be sure not to get it in their eyes. You can also use vinegar to clean surfaces in your home that have been infested with ants. Spray the solution over the countertops, floors, and other surfaces, and wipe them.

4. Sprinkle Salt

Salt is a natural way to protect your home from ants. When you sprinkle salt near entry points for ants, they will avoid crossing the line because it interferes with their chemical communication system. This means that you can keep ants out of your home without using harsh chemicals or paying for an expensive exterminator.

5. Use Peppermint

Peppermint oil is a natural deterrent for ants and can be found at most pharmacies or grocery stores. In addition, peppermint tea bags can also be used as a natural ant repellent. By placing these items in strategic locations around the home, ants will be discouraged from entering.

6. Use Cornstarch

Cornstarch is a natural, non-toxic substance that ants cannot stand. Ants will not cross a line of cornstarch. You can keep these insects at bay by sprinkling cornstarc around your home’s entrances and other common ant hangouts. This method is budget-friendly, but it is also easy to do.