What to do When Your Marriage Isn’t Working Out

Everyone knows that the honeymoon phase of a relationship doesn’t last, but most people assume the relationship will grow and both parties involved will adapt as their love enters a new phase. That honeymoon feeling gets a second wind after a marriage, but it leads to the major downturn of divorce in over half of all married couples in the United States.

Statistics and studies show that there are various reasons a happy marriage ends in a bitter divorce. If you feel as though your marriage isn’t working out, then here’s what you need to do.

Face the Music

The first step in this dilemma is to consider what it is you want from the relationship at this point. A New Orleans divorce lawyer recommends evaluating your current feelings about the marriage. Do you want to salvage this commitment or are you ready to throw in the towel?

If you’re ready to give up, then divorce is your only option. If you feel like the two of you can work out your differences, then it’s time to commit yourself to making a change. The road to saving a marriage is a long, uphill battle. However, the journey isn’t an impossible one if you are both willing to work together.

Work on Communication

One of the top issues any married couple deals with is a lack of open communication. Sometimes, it’s easier to let issues slide by than rock the boat. This is a classic mistake that can become the downfall of any relationship.

If you’re working to save the marriage, then you need to open up about how you’re feeling and keep the lines of communication between you two open. Outside of having difficult discussions, you should actively work on simple conversations like asking your spouse how their day was and showing more interest in their plans. Non-verbal actions like eye-contact and hugs also go a long way here.

Get Ready to Change

If you’ve identified the source of your conflict, then both of you need to change for the better. Don’t focus on your spouse changing, though. Instead, stay on top of what you can do to make the relationship operate as smooth as possible.

If you’re gearing up for divorce, get ready to make one of the largest life-altering changes out there. Living on your own, changing your budget to reflect a sole income, and navigating visitation rights are all major changes in one’s life. If you’re concerned about the kids, try talking with a family law attorney at Pedrick Law about child support.

Be Patient

Saving a marriage takes a lot of work. You’ll have to learn to schedule personal time with your spouse, continually work to make positive changes, and might even need to see a relationship counselor. Getting your relationship back on track comes with plenty of pitfalls, but staying patient will help you through it.

Divorce requires the same patience. Court proceedings are slow, legal battles are drawn out, and nothing happens overnight. Regardless of the path you choose, take your time and allow your course of action to play out.