Hair weaves continue to be in next year as well. If you are bored with your look, if you want thicker and longer hair then hair weaves are the way to go.
Hair weaves can be either synthetic or natural and they can be worn in several styles. We’ve come up with some facts to help you decide which style to chose for 2011.
The bonded style is popular among the hair weaves amators. This style is temporary and it is a good way of making your hair look thicker. Here’s how it works: tracks of hair are glued with a special adhesive to your own hair. With this style you cand chose between two types of bond: a soft bond or a hard bond. The upside of bonding is that it doesn’t damage your hair.
The curly hair syle could also interest you as it uses braided hair extensions.
Another hair weaving style is the fusion style and it is preffered for its versatility. It gives a very authentic look. The fusion style uses an instrument similar to a hot glue gun in order to glue locks of hair to very thin locks of your own hair. Such a technique may cost you from $800 to $1,800. One of its drawbacks is, however, that it takes a rather long time to complete ( from 8 to 12 hours).
Another technique you can choose for making your hair look more attractive are the clip on hair extensions. The lock of hair has a clip at one end making it easier to attach to your own hair. An advantage for this particular style is that it doens’t take very much time to complete.
However, you should bear in mind that whatever style of hair weaving you choose you should take into consideration the impact that particular styles have on your hair. In addition to all this you should also take into account the fact that the better care you take of your hair weaves, the more money you will save, as trips to the saloon will be less frequent. That being said, we believe that in 2011 you will be able to be fashionable as well as sensible regarding the health of your hair.