A number of people grind their teeth during their sleep, a condition known as bruxism and occurs in 8% to 31% of the population. It can lead to tooth wear, hypersensitive teeth, headaches, aching jaw muscles, and damage to dental restorations such as fillings and crowns. People who suffer from bruxism may not be aware of the condition if their symptoms are minimal. Over time, if nothing is done about the condition, their teeth will start to wear down until whole teeth start to disappear. Wearing a mouth guard can prevent teeth grinding. In this article, we will explore if wearing a mouth guard is the right solution for you.
Mouth guards are designed to prevent a person from grinding their teeth. It works with both diurnal and nocturnal bruxism. Diurnal bruxism occurs when a person grinds their teeth when they are awake. Nocturnal bruxism, on the other hand, occurs during sleep.
As we said in the introduction, a person may not be aware that they grind their teeth. The telltale signs that you may indeed suffer from bruxism are tooth wear, fracturing of the teeth, difficulty opening your mouth, aching jaw muscles, earaches and difficulty sleeping. Although there could be other reasons for these symptoms (you can suffer from one or a combination of symptoms), these symptoms should at least alert you to the possibility you suffer from bruxism.
According to the American Dental Association, there are three kinds of mouth guard: custom-made, boil-and-bite, and stock. Custom-made mouth guards are made by your dentist according to the dimensions of your mouth and teeth. These tend to be the most comfortable kind of mouth guard. Boil-and-bite mouth guards are sold over-the-counter in drugstores, and sporting goods stores. After you’ve bought a boil-and-bite mouth guard, you have to soften it in boiling water before biting it down so that it adjusts to your mouth. Stock mouth guards come ready to wear, so they may not fit very well, at least compared to the other two types of mouth guard.
So you have a choice between getting a custom-made mouth guard at one of the best dentistry offices in the country, or, buying a boil-and-bite mouth guard designed by manufacturers such as Chomper Labs, or getting a stock mouth guard. The ideal scenario is to visit a dentist. However, failing that, your second best option is a boil-and-bite mouth guard.
Your dentist will be able to design a mouth guard that is right for you. However, if you still experience discomfort, or still have any symptoms of bruxism, should go back to their dentist. A dentist may then recommend other ways to prevent you from grinding your teeth. Typically, that involves either restorative treatment to address damage to your teeth; physical therapy to reduce stiffness or muscle pain; or your dentist may prescribe medication.
A mouth guard will not only prevent teeth grinding, it will stop damage being done to your teeth. It’s important to address the symptoms of teeth grinding so if you feel you may have bruxism, go and see a dentist. Leaving it late will do added damage to your teeth.