Some Star Wars fans are still jumping up and down after seeing the latest trailer for the Episode VII – The Force Awakens movie. Adding to all the hype, a Japanese company named Nippon Airways joined hands with Disney for a special promotional campaign that involves a custom-painted Boeing 787 aircraft.
The aircraft honors one of the franchise’s most loved characters: R2-D2. The move is a part of an extensive five-year ANA Star Wars Project that’s meant to improve the company’s own international prestige. As it turns out, the ANA’s logo features a shade of blue that’s strikingly similar to the droid’s own paintjob. Furthermore, since R2-D2 is known for his incredibly ability to get in and out of trouble without much effort, it makes sense that many people would associate him with reliability and safety. ANA’s Executive Vice President for sales and marketing, Takashi Shiki, has clearly thought this thing through very well.
[Via – Foxct]