Our Definition of Luxury Has Evolved During COVID-19


To many, luxury is an abstract concept thats definition has certainly evolved along with the COVID-19 pandemic’s growth and development. Indeed, Helen Lee Schifter and other observers will posit that a fixation on materialism is no longer how people view luxury. Instead, they view it in more psychological and emotional terms.

This certainly makes sense, and frankly some of this type of sensible sentiment existed pre-dating the start of the greatest health pandemic of the twenty-first century. But with people suffering economic hardship, there’s also been a reawakening of sorts concerning the rank of priorities people maintain.

Helen Lee Schifter is not the only observer who has expressed this view. Indeed, there are many people who agree that the Coronavirus pandemic has afforded them unique time and opportunity to reassess their priorities. In so doing, many of them have changed their definition of what they consider to be luxury. This is understandable and will only continue to evolve over time.

Materialism is a thing of the past for many. What isn’t, is the ability to achieve happiness, serenity and peace of mind. For many, that’s what true luxury is about.