Nude Lady Gaga Portrait by Tony Bennett for Sale

Nude Lady Gaga Portrait by Tony Bennett for Sale (1)

Any nude portrait of Lady Gaga is and will always be a subject of great interest for fans all over the world. But when such a sketch is signed by famous singer Tony Bennett, things get even more exciting! This rather accurate representation of the extravagant pop star is signed “Benedetto”, which is Tony Bennett’s given name.

Drawn on a 18” x 24” piece of Fabriano Artistico heavyweight watercolor paper, the portrait was made using Prismacolor Premier Art vine Charcoal sticks. The work is currently for sale on eBay and all proceeds will go to charity. Part of the money will benefit Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” Foundation, while an even larger amount of money will be directed towards Bennett’s “Exploring the Arts” charity organization, which supports children’s education.Nude Lady Gaga Portrait by Tony Bennett for Sale (1)