Natural Swimming Pools Add More Luxury Without Chemicals

Tired of feeling like you’ve been gassed after swimming in a chlorine-soaked pool? The chlorine used to disinfect swimming pools is actually a poison, and even in the minute amounts used in public and private pools it can irritate sensitive skin, leading to rashes and skin ulcers.

To avoid this unhealthy nuisance, try using a natural swimming pool — often called a sustainable pool, or pond.

Unlike a normal pond where duckweed and rotifera turn the water green and murky, a sustainable swimming pool is built on the practice of a constant flow of pure natural water — often from an artesian spring nearby, or filtered continually by machine. As long as the water is constantly being replaced, living organisms that produce ‘pond slime’ will not proliferate, and the water can be enjoyed without danger of disease or aquatic particulates.

A DIY natural swimming pool requires a sandy bottom where aquatic plants cannot grow, and a filtering system that removes fallen leaves and other organic debris. It’s high maintenance, to be sure, but the benefits and beauty are certainly worth it for the dedicated swimmer and nature lover.

For those whose budget won’t allow for such things, many cities and country inns now offer private organic flowing natural pools, where you pay a nominal entrance fee, or pay a membership fee, to swim in pure, clean water that leaves you feeling refreshed and cleansed.