Mesmerizing High-Tech Interactive Van Gogh Painting

Mesmerizing High-Tech Interactive Van Gogh Painting

Not everyone can afford to have an authentic Van Gogh in their home, but superb replicas of the artist’s most famous creations are definitely embellishing thousands of residences all over the world. Sadly, Gogh didn’t enjoy almost any success during his life, but his works gained more and more popularity with every year after his demise.

Today true art lovers are ready to spend fortunes on original Van Gogh paintings, but they have to wait until someone is willing to sell one of his works at an auction or in a private sale. Knowing that such events do not occur very often, people have to settle with faithful copies. And here is one of the most spectacular copies ever created: a high-tech version of the mesmerizing “Starry Night”.

Created by Petros Vrellis, a Greek artist, the painting is what looks like a live version of the original. Vrellis used open source C++ toolkit openFrameworks to give life to the painting and make it interactive. As you move your fingers over the landscape, it changes its shape in a flickering dance of colors. To make the experience even more magical, a soft melody is released with every new touch. See for yourself in the short video below.

Starry Night (interactive animation) from Petros Vrellis on Vimeo.

Mesmerizing High-Tech Interactive Van Gogh Painting