Kentucky’s Transfer Success Strategy

Transfer success is very important in helping Kentucky achieve their goal of having 60% of the population obtaining a postsecondary degree or credential by 2030. Transferring can help reduce the cost of college and attaining a bachelor’s degree while improving chances of getting a higher income. Unfortunately, several students are unable to reach their goal of a bachelor’s degree by transferring as many decide not to transfer after completing an associate degree or eventually decide to change majors, complete a shorter credential, or drop out. 

In fact, less than 10% of transfer students are able to get their bachelor’s degree by first spending two years at a community college. Students encounter several obstacles when transferring, but Kentucky has solutions that better connect the transfer path, from mapping clear transfer pathways on their transfer website to employing proactive advising with regular check-ins that help with overcoming tough informational barriers and increasing graduation rates. 

Although transfer success is an equity issue with white students being twice as likely to transfer as Black and Hispanic students and students from higher-income families also being twice as likely to transfer as students from lower-income families, positive early milestones are improving transfer success for all students with extra benefits for Black and Hispanic students. Kentucky’s approach to creating stronger paths from community colleges to universities is helping with transfer student success.

Gateway Course for Student Success
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative