Is Yoga Right for Me?

Yoga is a popular exercise form that has taken the world by storm. More than just a workout, it is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices meant to help you achieve a body and mind balance. Many claim that it brings tone to the body while helping relieve the stress and anxiety of everyday life.

As a type of exercise, yoga sounds terrific, but it may not be for everyone. With September being Yoga Awareness month, now is the perfect time to find out if it’s right for you. Read on to find out more.

Can I Lose Weight Doing Yoga?

Before choosing a workout routine, it’s important to think about your goals.

Yoga is great for toning muscles, strengthening the core and improving balance. However, it is not considered an aerobic exercise so it may not be the best for those looking to lose weight.

However, if losing weight is your ultimate goal, there are some types of yoga that are recommended over others. For instance, ashtanga, vinyasa and power yoga are more physical types of yoga that can help with calorie burn.

Vinyasa and power yoga are often done at hot yoga studios where hot temperatures can further boost the burning of calories.

The Spiritual Side of Yoga

If you are looking to get the most out of yoga, you must embrace its spiritual side. Yoga is meant to be more than a stretch class, a gym session or a space for relaxation. It is about creating awareness and transforming your mind.

Of course, you can go through the motions of yoga without fully adopting its teachings. But to truly achieve a higher emotional state and level of peace, you must be able to focus on holding your pose regardless of what’s going on around you. You should also think of the mat as your mirror bringing only yourself and all of yourself to your sessions.

Admittedly, not everyone can get on board with the spiritual aspect of yoga. If you’re skeptical, this might not be the best type of exercise for you.

Experience to Find Out for Yourself 

The ultimate way to find out if yoga is right for you is to try it. To make the most of your experience, you will want to start by creating a calming atmosphere to work out in. This will help you tap into the soothing vibe yoga is meant to promote.

Aromatherapy is a great way to create a peaceful environment that is perfect for yoga and the Badger Yoga Meditation Balm Stick can help you achieve that goal.

The Badger brand is known for creating high quality all-natural aromatherapy and personal care products. Their Yoga Meditation Balm Stick incorporates scents of sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh to inspire calmness and mindfulness. It is non-GMO, organic, and cruelty free.

Once you have created a soothing atmosphere, you will be ready to try yoga to see how it works for you. Good luck achieving your physical and mental goals.