How to Become Your Own Boss

that you will choose: own business or job

that you will choose: own business or job

It’s always the desire of every person to start their own business. You may have spent several years working for different companies but deep inside you feel empty and dissatisfied.

If you really want to turn the tables and take charge of your future, then you must be ready to change. The problem is that many people get to a point where they feel comfortable with what they are being paid by their employers.

Unfortunately, most employers have only one objective – to make more money through you. This means that your welfare, your financial goals, your dreams are not part of the company’s mission.

It takes courage and determination to get out of any comfort zone. You need to tell yourself enough is enough and come up with a plan to drive your own future.

But how will you do that? Is it achievable? Of course yes, the fact that some people have already done it means that anyone can do it. Below are some tips on how to become self-independent:

1. Decide what you want in life

The first step in becoming self-reliant is to make a resolve. Do you really want to work for yourself

What exactly do you want to do? What type of business are you interested in starting? Probably there is a business idea you have always dreamed of – this is the time to hit the road. Many people have ideas but don’t have the time and courage to bring those ideas into life. Or is there a franchise you love that you always have dreamed of opening? Opening a franchise can be a great way to start your own business. 

You should, therefore, begin by deciding what you really want to do. Remember failing to plan is planning to fail. If it is a business, you need to come up with a clear business plan that will take you from one point to another.

2. Evaluate your business idea

This is one of the critical steps when it comes to starting your own business. Having a business idea is not enough. The question is, how valid is your idea? You need to find ways of determining if your business idea is appropriate or not.

Once you have validated or proven your business idea, it is time to carry out market research.

Market research is just an extension of the validation process. It helps you to gain in-depth insights concerning your business idea. For instance, you will have a clear idea about the type of customers you have and ways to approach them.

3. Transitioning

Now that you have come up with your business idea and done all the necessary research, do you wake up one morning and resign from your job?

Sometimes it depends on the business idea and how much savings and investment you already have. If you feel that you have adequate savings to maintain you as you start your new venture, then you can resign from your current job and move on. 

On the other hand, if you are not quite sure how the business idea will turn out and don’t have enough savings, then you should make the transition gradual.

If you are opening a franchise, you should utilize the franchising company’s resources to help transition.

4. Work with a coach or mentor

The beauty of starting a business is that there’s someone who has already done something similar or at least close to what you are planning to do. You don’t have to walk alone through that treacherous path.

It would be a good idea to find someone who can hold your hand and take you through the baby steps.

If you don’t have a mentor, then you can opt for a business coach who is experienced in the type of business you want to start. Although it might cost you a few bucks, it will be worth it after all.

In a nutshell, starting your own business is the best decision you can ever make. Not many people have the courage of quitting their well-paying jobs to pursue their dreams.

Although there are many challenges that come with it, you will definitely appreciate your move in the long run