Don’t like Bacon? Here are 6 reasons that will change your mind

Bacon is the only thing we can all agree on enjoying. However, many people have a love-hate relationship due to the many myths surrounding it. If you are under the impression that you don’t love bacon, then you thought wrong.

If you don’t like your bacon because it’s chewy, then you should try thin-cut crispy bacon, and vice versa. If you hate it because it’s fattening, then you need to rethink this conclusion. Regardless of the reasons you have against bacon, we are here to change your opinion.

Here are 6 reasons that will change your mind.

Bacon Is More Than Empty Calories

Many people find bacon to be delicious, yet, they refrain from indulging in eating it because they are under the wrong impression that bacon is extremely unhealthy and fattening. We are here to debunk this myth because bacon is more than just empty calories.

Still, we do not claim that bacon is the next “superfood”. For starters, bacon is not loaded with calories; a slice of pan-fried bacon provides only 54 calories, 4 grams of fat, 0 carbs, and 0 sugar. This is nothing compared to other “unhealthy” food options.

On the other hand, bacon provides you with several B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and most importantly B12; one of the hardest vitamins to find. Bacon is also loaded with selenium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and zinc which are essential for maintaining a healthy well-balanced diet.

It Makes for The Perfect Gift and Party Food 

The fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. This old, but cold, saying summed everything up when it comes to giving the perfect gifts for men.

Flowers and perfumes are overrated. There is nothing that screams love more than gifting food to your loved ones, especially bacon, as it’s one of the most widely loved foods around the globe.

If you want to use bacon as your next eye-dazzling mouth-watering gift in a cool way, you can find out more about different creative ideas that will definitely impress the other person. Other than gifts, bacon, and sausage are the perfect combination for parties and gatherings because they are safe options that everyone will enjoy.

Bacon Is Packed with Healthy Fats

Even though we were brainwashed into thinking that any fats are bad for us, we are slowly recovering from this rusted belief. Many people still cringe at the idea of saturated fats which is in the dictionary of some is a synonym for bacon.

However, the truth is the fats in bacon equates to only about 35% while the rest is healthy fats such as omega 3 and omega 6.

A Great Protein Source

A small slice of bacon contains about 10 grams of protein. This means that the best breakfast for people who work out to increase their muscle mass has to have at least a slice of bacon to meet their protein recommended daily intake.

Usually, you need 1.6 grams of protein per kilo of your overall body weight. This means that only two strips of bacon can provide you with about 28% of your RDA.

You Are Not What You Eat

When it comes to bacon, eating like a pig will not make you look like one. On the contrary, bacon is packed with Niacin. A small strip will provide you with more than 40% of your recommended daily intake.

Research done by the University of Maryland Medical Center has proven that Niacin is a vital element in your diet for improving hair, skin, nails, and maintaining eye health.  It promotes faster healing for the skin and prevents inflammation.

Bacon Keeps Depression at Bay

Other than the pure joy your taste buds get from bacon, the same study that was done by the University of Maryland has proven that depression has the power to reduce depression.

If you are following a high-protein low-carb diet, bacon makes for the perfect breakfast. Other than providing high protein content, bacon is great for curbing appetite and managing cravings.

Dietary fats normally don’t give the satisfaction other junk processed foods provide. Bacon strikes the perfect balance between both providing healthy fats and increasing feelings of satisfaction and fullness.

Following myths blindly without enough search to find the truth never ends well. Instead of preventing yourself from enjoying bacon, you can reduce your intake to only two strips a day.

This will help you in striking a perfect balance between satisfying your taste buds while providing your body with healthy fats and vitamins and avoiding any of the problems that come with binge eating bacon.

Posted July 19