Austrian Princess Swaps Regular Paint Brushes with Jet Engines

Inspired by her late husband Prince Jurgen Von Anhalt of Austria, Princess Tarinan Von Anhalt has started doing Jet Art back in 2008, when she became the first female artist to practice this very unique form of art.  Her husband created Jet Art three decades ago, and now she carries on his legacy with grace and passion.

Standing behind the incredibly powerful engine of an $11 million Learjet, the princess throws paint into the air and lets the power and heat of the engine randomly disperse the color on a huge canvas. She works in quite extreme conditions, as her unconventional paint brush produces 500 degrees of heat and winds that are more powerful than hurricanes.

Aside from the many huge canvases that she painted this way, there were also a number of special fabrics which were used for luggage, swimwear, sportswear, and jeans. Her next big project is to give a very unique paintjob to a real plane, helped by the power of another plane! We can’t wait to see what the result will look like!