A Complete Guide to the Different Types of Diffusers

The use of plant oils dates back thousands of years and was believed to have therapeutic properties by the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Egyptians. Today, we refer to the use of these oils as aromatherapy.

Are you interested in giving aromatherapy a try? One of the most popular forms of aromatherapy is using diffusers. In this guide, we’ll tell you all about the different types of diffusers.

What Are Diffusers?

A diffuser is a device that breaks down and disperses essential oils into the air. They are used for aromatherapy, air freshening, and relaxation. 

Water Diffusers

Water diffusers release essential oils into the air by using water and vibrations to create a faint mist. This diffuser works well in smaller spaces and areas where you don’t want any open flames. 

Electric Diffusers

Electric diffusers have a tray resting over a heat source. When electricity turns on and activates the heat source, the essential oil warms up and disperses through the air. 

Wondering why you’d use an electric oil diffuser? Read about oil diffusers and your diffuser options compare. 

Fan-Style Diffusers

In this type of diffuser, oil goes inside with a fan component. The fan then blows across the oils to spread the scent. These come in a range of sizes for use in a variety of rooms. 

Candle Diffusers

Like electric scent diffusers, this diffuser uses a heat source to disperse the essential oils. Instead of electricity a candle, such as a tea light, warms the oil. 

Reed Diffusers

When using a reed diffuser, you’ll place wooden sticks inside a small bottle of essential oils. As the oil soaks into the reed, it travels up to the top and releases into the air.

This type of diffuser lasts a long time and requires minimal maintenance. Because there is nothing to push the scent around, they work best in small spaces. 

Terracotta Diffusers

Terracotta essential oil diffusers are made of clay. To use, you place the diffuser in a warm area, add oil, and seal it off. This allows the oil to sink into the material and once it takes on the scent, it is then released into the room.

These diffusers create a strong scent but are more difficult to control and clean. 

Nebulizer Diffusers

Nebulizer diffusers are also known as waterless diffusers. They work without heat or water and release purer essential oils than other types.

This kind of diffuser forces air through tubes containing essential oils. The air movement pushes the essential oil particles up and into the air.

Nebulizers have smaller components and may require more maintenance to clean than the other types.

Which Types of Diffusers Are Right For You?

Diffusers are an excellent way to incorporate aromatherapy into your day-to-day. There are several different types of diffusers available to anyone looking to add one to their home.

The best type of diffuser for you depends on the space, whether you want to keep things natural, and the necessary maintenance. 

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