5 Stretches to Relieve Lower Back Pain

5 Stretches to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Anyone, including infants, can suffer from lower back pain. However, obesity, old age, and a sedentary lifestyle, are the main risk factors that contribute to lower back pain. Also, work-related tension can play a significant role in lower back pain as well. In fact, the most common injury on a job is lower back pain.

There are a variety of stretches that can be done, to help relieve the pain. Not only will it ease the pain, it will also help reduce anxiety as well as stress. The following are 5 stretches that you can do, to alleviate lower back pain.

Sitting Piriformis Stretch

The piriformis is a very small muscle that is close to the hips and buttocks. They are tightened, if there is a lack of movement and, therefore, contributes to lower back pain. With stretching, this muscle will help relieve back pain. There are a number of ways you can stretch the piriformis. One way is by sitting. Below are the steps on how to stretch this muscle, while sitting.

1.While sitting, start by straightening your right leg.

2.Then, move your other leg over your right leg.

3.Twist your body to the left, until you feel the piriformis pulling.

4.Hold it in this position, for a few seconds.

5.Then, switch sides.


Bridges are great for working the gluteus maximus muscle. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the buttock. When the hips are moved, it engages this muscle, especially when they flex into a squat. By keeping the gluteus maximus strong, it will help relieve lower back pain. The following explains how to form a bridge.

1.While lying on the ground and bending your knees, place the feet on the floor hip-width apart.

2.Keep your arms by your side, while pressing your feet into the floor.

3.Raise your buttocks, until your body forms a straight line, from your shoulders to your knees.

4.While your shoulders are on the floor, squeeze your buttocks.

5.Lower your buttocks to the floor and rest for a few seconds.

6.Repeat the stretches 15 times and rest for a minute.

Trunk Rotation

Trunk rotation will help alleviate pain in your lower back. It works on your back muscles, pelvic muscles, and abdominals. The following are the steps to performing a trunk rotation.

1.While lying on your back, bring your knees up to your chest.

2.Stretch your arms out on both sides of your body, with your palms face-down.

3.Roll your bent knees to the right and, then, to the left. Be sure to keep your knees

close together. Your hands should be on the floor.

4.Repeat this between 5 to 10 times, on each side.

Seat Forward Bend

When your hamstrings are tightened, they can significantly cause lower back pain. Hamstrings are the muscles in the back of the thigh. Seat forward bend relieves tightness in those muscles. It also alleviates tension in your back. The following explains how to perform seat forward bend.

1.First, straighten out your legs, while sitting on the floor. Your legs should be in front of you.

2.Wrap a standard bath towel, around the heel of your feet.

3.Bend until your belly touches your thighs. Make sure you bend, at your hips. Also, the towel is needed, to help bring you to your thighs.

4.Your back should be kept straight.

5.Stretch until you no longer feel strong tension in your lower back.

6.When stretching, hold for 30 seconds.

7.Repeat this 3 times.

Wig Wag Stretch

This stretch helps to loosen up several muscles, including your lower back muscles. It will prevent injury and promote range of motion. The following explains how to perform the wig wag stretch.

1.Bend your knees, while lying on your back. Your feet should also be on the floor.

2.Place your arms out to the side.

3.Next, twist your body and drop your knees to the right.

4.Then, hold it for 15 seconds.

5.Repeat it, on your left side.

6.Continue this stretch, for 1 to 2 minutes.