10 Tips to Improve Your Interview Performance

Do you get too nervous during job interviews? Are you failing to make personal connections with prospective employers? Here are 10 tips to help you boost your confidence and your job interview skills.

1. Plan Your Outfit

First impressions are everything, and you only have one shot to get on an interviewer’s good side. Make sure you carefully plan what to wear. Today’s interview standards might speak to more casual attire, but don’t let that trap you if interviewers are expecting business professional outfits.

2. Answer All Questions

Interviewers can get really annoyed at people who fail to answer the questions they ask. If someone asks you to recall a past example of your work behavior, do take the time to respond. Try to find specific examples that will help your case.

3. Use the Right Language

Professional language is always key. Remember that the use of slang or popular culture references is usually not appropriate. Also be careful not to bring up topics that include politics, religion, or race issues, as the wrong word might throw you right out the door. For more interview tips to get a job in the investment banking sector, check out WallStreet Mastermind.

4. Listen to Information

Your interviewer will likely start out by listing a lot of information about the company. You must really be able to listen to what they say. Not only does this prove that you have good communication skills, but it is also letting the interviewer know that you are actually retaining information.

5. Communication: It’s Not Just Verbal

Body language is just as important – if not more important – than spoken communication. The way you shake hands, make eye contact, and sit up straight can speak volumes about your inner sense of confidence and professionalism.

6. Don’t Boast Too Much

Obviously, you need to be a good advocate for yourself during an interview. Talk about your skills and job experience. However, it’s important not to be cocky. Talk about yourself, but stay professional and modest. Overconfidence is immediately a turn-off to most interviewers.

7. Connect, But Don’t Familiarize

Establishing a good personal connection with the interviewer is a good idea. But what isn’t a good idea is acting too familiar with them. Remember, you are not there to make friends. Match their demeanor, but don’t act familial with them. You are someone looking for a job, and that is it.

8. Talk, But Don’t Chat

Following up with the previous tip, it is critical not to talk too much. Definitely answer any and all of the interviewer’s questions, and use the space given to you to talk about your skillset or past job experience. But don’t say more than they need to know. In some cases, you may be talking yourself out of the job.

9. Ask Questions

Your interviewer will ask you questions. One of those questions will probably be, “Do you have any questions for me?” In that case, you want to plan ahead and think of questions to ask. Asking questions lets them know that you are actively interested in not just the job, but the company as well.

10. Do Not Beg

This might go without saying, but you must maintain your dignity. Do not beg them for a job. Do not try to sway them with sad tales of how nobody will hire you. Stay confident, relaxed, and professional, and you will increase your chances of getting hired.