Built in Washington Park, Seattle, and overlooking Washington Lake, this magnificent residence is the stunning project of Sullivan Conrad Architects. It was designed to offer both perfect privacy and complete openness. A continuous interplay between transparency and mass is ensured by thick concrete walls and large, floor-to-ceiling glass windows and doors.
The main volume of the house holds the main living areas, including the Great Room, the Library and the Kitchen. Separated from this space, the sleeping wing still remains connected to the main volume by a glass walled bridge. Another place for living and sleeping is the apartment above the garage.
For the construction of this luxurious dwellin – called Washington Park Residence – the architects chose a rather limited material palette: concrete, stone, wood and steel. To reduce fossil fuel consumption, the house uses a geothermal heating system, while unobstructed natural light access reduces the need for electricity. The house also has a green roof, which is very efficient at mitigating storm water runoff.