Described by its creator as “opulence gone mad,” this luxurious bathtub is dipped in 24 carat gold and includes over 250,000 clear and topaz crystals. It is priced at about $122,700, and the crystals that we mentioned before appear to be cascading down its sides in order to create an extremely luxurious look.
The tub was designed by Celia Sawyer, and she apparently created it from a man from the Middle East with incredibly deep pockets. She worked together with Robert Grace in order to complete this project, and just in case you’re not familiar with his work, Grace is a specialist when it comes to gold leaf mosaics for luxury sanitary ware. The bath was put together by three artisans, who used a mix of white gold, lemon gold and yellow gold in order to achieve that luxurious, extravagant look.