God’s word is everywhere, even on the Moon. King James’ Version of the Bible was put in a 1245 page microfilm and carried to the Moon by Edgar Mitchell during Apollo 14. But the bible had a really bumpy road until its final destination. Apollo Prayer League, the group of NASA engineers, scientists, administrators and astronauts that created the bible did not expect for sure all these unfortunate events. During Apollo 12 an error caused the bible to orbit the moon in the Command Module, then an explosion caused the Apollo 13 crew to abort the mission, but in the end, Edgar Mitchell managed to safely land the bible on the Moon on the 5th of February 1971. For its hectic history and adventurous trips, the bible truly deserves its place in a 22 carat gold jewel studded case. The auction is on the 15th of September and it starts from the price of $5,000.