The Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World

Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (13)

Some people own guns for self-defense purposes or because their job requires them to carry one, while others are just looking to collect them. If you happen to be an astronomy enthusiasts and a gun lover at the same time, you’ll definitely want to get your hands on the “Big Bag Pistol Set,” as these particular guns were created using fragments from the Gibeon meteorite that fell on Earth about 4.5 billion years ago.

Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (13) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (6) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (8)

The set was put together by a company named Cabot Guns using 3D modeling techniques, X-rays, EDM wire cutting and electron-beam welding. The meteorite’s unique finish was enhanced using acid etching, except for the trigger area, which was left untouched. The bad news is that this is a unique set, which is why it commands a mind-boggling price tag of $4.5 million. If someone actually decides to purchase them anytime soon, these guns could become the most expensive in the world.

Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (12) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (11) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (10) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (7) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (9) Big Bang Pistol Set Is Literarily Out Of This World (4)