The 5 Million Dollars, 1 Terabyte Art Work

The 5 Million Dollars 1 Terabyte Art Work

This small device is the “5 Million Dollars, 1 Terabytehard drive, a unique art installation currently displayed at the Art 404 Gallery. The device contains a terabyte of information like eBooks, games, music and even a huge collection of Adobe Fonts.

So what’s so special about 1TB of data on a hard disk? Nothing, really, except that everything on this device is pirated information! Yes, the small device carries $5 million worth of illegally downloaded goodies and acts as a modern celebration of…we’re not exactly sure what.  We do know however that it looks like a contemporary shrine for the art of stealing. Here is a list  of what the modern work of art contains..

The 5 Million Dollars 1 Terabyte Art Work