At the end of World War II the United States had a total of 47,000 car dealerships all around the country, but the number gradually decreased reaching the 20,000 threshold in 2008. Then the recession hit us all and things got even worse for the automotive industry, especially when it came to luxury vehicles.
Today we finally have some very encouraging news on the matter. For the first time in ten years the numbers have begun to go up. The increase is not spectacular (there now are 66 more dealerships in the country), but it’s a great economic sign, telling us that the industry is staring to do better. With a new total of 17,725 car dealerships across the U.S., the numbers have grown by 0.4 percent. This may not sound too much, but it’s a rise in figures nonetheless. The years of decline have finally ended and we hope that the future will bring even more growth for our country.