iPads are not designed to be expensive, but first Swarovski and now Stuart Hughes have managed to take care of that “problem”. After adding some 16.6 carats of diamonds, 57 grams of T-rex bone, 2000 grams of solid 24-carat gold, 750 grams of Ammolite and another 8.5 carats from a single diamond, Stuart Hughes turned the new iPad 2 into a gadget you will never want to see broken or lost!
Only two stunning iPad 2 Gold History Edition will be made, and each will cost a mind-blowing £5 million, or some $8.15 million! Now we don’t know if you bothered to do the math, but those 2000 grams of solid gold actually mean two kilograms, or 4.4 pounds! Add to that the 750 grams of Ammolite (a 75-million-years-old rare gem) and the device’s original weight, and you will get a pretty heavy gadget.
As if all that wasn’t enough, Stuart Hughes decided to make the creation even more exclusive and added some 65-million-years-old T-rex (yes, the dinosaurs!) bone to the recipe. We have to admit it, the result is dazzling! But who will buy it?