“Excuse me, you have a little something in your eye. Oh, wait…it’s a diamond.” Can a conversation like this ever take place? Yes it can, with the new limited edition gold and diamond contact lenses from Shekhar Eye Research Center in India. Dr. Chandrashekhar Chawan came up with the concept and Sanjay Shah designed them for both women and men.
Customizable to every buyer’s preferences, the bling lenses flaunt a gold plate and are adorned with 18 diamonds. Their total weight is of only 5 grams. Priced at $15,000, they can be worn anytime, anywhere and they come with a certificate of guarantee.
Only 3,996 pairs will be made and all proceeds will be used to treat a person who suffers from Stevens Johnson Syndrome. The first to buy a pair of gold and diamond lenses was B M Shivraj, the Chairman of Rotary Club’s Mumbai District.