Exclusive Social Network Boasts A Membership Fee Of $9,000

It’s no big secret that the rich are constantly looking to distinguish themselves from those who have lighter pockets, especially if we consider the extremely expensive private yachts, private jets and private islands. The trend is now spreading to the online realm, as a very exclusive social network called Netropolitan requires an initial yearly membership fee of $9,000, which is then followed by yearly rates of $3,000.

This rich man’s Facebook was created by a music composer named James Touchi-Peters, whose public relations firm described the network as an ”exclusive online country club”. Basically, this is a social network where the well heeled can chat about common topics and make friends within their own social status. Would-be members need to be at least 21 years old and must use their real names during the subscription process. And since this is an expensive internet-based service after all, Netropolitan-related activities will be kept private but will be monitored.

[Via – LA-Times]