Ready for a bold yet true statement? Creating quality presence with the right look creates a framework for inward and outward growth and success. After developing and using my wardrobe, I can verify that this is true. That’s why I’d like to share my strategy with you so you can benefit, too.
Whether you are in a place of starting out or are at the top of your career, you can benefit from using a strategy for creating a quality presence.
Creating Quality Presence Requires the Right Colors
When walking into a room, the very first thing our eyes see is color. Then, they focus on objects. This is why color plays such an important role in the power to attract or repel. We form sensory reactions based on life experience and societal norms. in turn, we have connected the norms with their colors and what they mean to us – applying it to ourselves personally.
We use color in our wardrobe with our clothing, cosmetics, and accessories in an attempt to create a quality presence with the right look. You don’t need to walk around wearing colors as if you are an advertisement or a product’s packaging. Instead, use color to reveal who you are. let others see you for your strengths, purpose, self-image and energy.
Using the right colors allows you to attract the right people into your life.
The Right Look Will Match Your Personality
Most people spend so much time worrying about how their clothes fit their bodies and how comfortable they feel. But what they don’t think about is how much the clothing needs to fit the mind. This is something I have researched for over 30 years and there is a language of codes, such as the way we used clothing to look commanding, sexy, businesslike, or approachable. You likely want others to see you in a particular way. In order to do that, you need to know how to use the codes to create a quality presence with the right look.
Wearing clothes doesn’t have to be about right or wrong, winner or loser, but rather something you can have fun with. When you bring out your best self, everyone wins.
Create Quality Presence By Selecting the Right Clothes
Once you know your color and style, then what? You’ve got to select the clothes that match your profiles. Also, consider where you are going and who you are going to see. For instance, at work, what is the environment like and who will you see? How you interact with others must influence your wardrobe choices.
Look beyond your body’s physical comfort and instead consider how you’d like to make others comfortable with you just by wearing the right look. Think outside yourself when it comes to comfort.
So, what clothing creates quality presence ? Choose clothes that align yourself and the message you want to convey to whomever you meet or interact. . Not caring about your look at all can result in cognitive dissonance – and can give people the wrong message about you. You never want people to disbelieve your skills, abilities, strengths, talents, and gifts because you don’t look like them.What’s more, not caring about your look dissipates your self-confidence. I have had many clients through the years tell me they have experienced it and how it had a negative impact on their lives.
Know this: You can create a quality presence with the right look and boost your confidence, from the outside in.
Reach Great Heights with Quality Presence
What is it that you are trying to do? Advance in your career? Find the love of your life? Create an incredible legacy? Learn to love yourself? Confidence can take you very far – and creating a quality presence can help you reach your desired goals,, both professionally and personally.
With a quality presence, you not only change your look, you also change your life. If you feel stuck or lost, now is the time to make that change. Upon finding the balance, you transform your energy for your own benefit while others notice and raise the energy around you. t
If you would like to learn more about creating a quality presence by using the codes of color and style, personal stylist Joseph Rosenfeld invites you to visit