Cartoon-Inspired Furniture for Children by Judson Beaumont

Cartoon-Inspired Furniture for Children by Judson Beaumont (5)

Make you child’s room truly fascinating with these imaginative creations of Judson Beaumont. Dressers, beds, tables, clocks – every piece of furniture you need for your kid’s room – is available at Straightline Design, the artist’s company.

Beaumont draws his inspiration from famous cartoons like Beauty and the Beast, Looney Tunes, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella and more. Another source of inspiration for him is famous architect Frank Gehry and his fascinating works.

To get an idea of how much Beaumont’s furniture costs, here are some examples: the Melting Cabinet is $5,400, the Sobey Dresser is $16,200, the Cracked Cabinet is $5,800, the Accordion Dresser is $5,000 and the Carrot Dresser is $9,000.

Cartoon-Inspired Furniture for Children by Judson Beaumont (4)