Catering a back-to-school lunch for teachers in your district is a great idea to show your support to area educators. While there are endless reasons for hosting such an event and treating your teachers to a meal, here are eight thoughts on why a back-to-school catered lunch is an amazing idea.
1- Show Your Appreciation
Teaching is a tough job, and most of us know that. By hosting a lunch for the teachers at your school, you and other parents and family members can show the educators just how much you appreciate their hard work and everything they do to give your children a valuable education.
2- Community Involvement
Getting a group of local people together is always a great way to boost community involvement. To cater a back-to-school lunch, you are going to need plenty of help from other parents and perhaps even local businesses. This will certainly create a community atmosphere when planning and hosting the event.
3- Relaxation and Stress Relief
Getting prepped for the new school year is a stressful time, not just for parents, but also for teachers. Lesson plans, in-services and training, and setting up the classroom are all necessary before school starts. These activities can leave teachers extremely worn out and even stressed. Catering lunch for the teachers is a great way for them to relax and unwind before the school year starts.
4- Professional Development and Collaboration
It may seem teachers get plenty of this with their seemingly endless meetings and work days. However, inviting teachers from other area schools may lead to additional collaboration and ideas that the teachers don’t always get within their own schools. If you are interested in hosting a larger lunch, invite teachers from other schools in the district or even neighboring towns to enhance collaboration.
5- Building Local Businesses
Utilizing local businesses to cater a back-to-school lunch for teachers is a great way for these businesses to get recognized and noticed. Give a call to a local catering company for a full, delicious meal, and link up with other local businesses for supplies, decorations, and more.
6- Networking
Having a get-together of any sort can be great for networking. Getting teachers, parents and community members together over lunch is an awesome way for people to connect and share knowledge and skills.
7- Boost Morale
Putting forth such a grand gesture is a sure way to boost the morale of your local teachers. Education is a stressful industry, and sometimes teachers just need a little lift to brighten their spirits. A fully catered lunch is perfect for this.
8- Time Saver
As the new school year approaches, teachers are especially busy. Catering a lunch is a great way to save teachers time, ensuring they get a delicious variety of foods without having to pack a lunch or run to the nearest cafe as they work on setting up their classrooms and finalizing lesson plans.
Getting your educators together for a catered back-to-school lunch is just a great way to say thanks and show you care. Teachers will surely appreciate the gesture and it will perk up the mood in the school as they prepare to welcome students back.