Zwift Bicycle Aims To Reinvent Indoor Cycling

Zwift Bicycle Aims To Reinvent Indoor Cycling (4)

It’s not always easy to take your bike out for a spin, especially if you live in areas where the weather is bad most of the time. However, indoor cycling can become quite boring after a while, as it doesn’t provide the same challenges or excitement. Fortunately, products such as Zwift could potentially revolutionize the way we workout at home, all thanks to an innovative system that translates the user’s movements into a virtual environment.

Zwift Bicycle Aims To Reinvent Indoor Cycling (4)

Speed is adjusted for height, weight and road gradient, so the entire experience is surprisingly realistic. Zwift is compatible with both Mac and PC, and it will soon become compatible with iOS, which means that users will be able to train and play this game with an iPhone or iPad.

Zwift Bicycle Aims To Reinvent Indoor Cycling (1)Zwift Bicycle Aims To Reinvent Indoor Cycling (2)Zwift Bicycle Aims To Reinvent Indoor Cycling (3)