Miss Your Dog? Clone It for $50,000!

Miss Your Dog? Clone It for $50,000! (1)

When Danielle Tarantola lost her dog three years ago, she was devastated. She had loved Trouble more like a son than a pet, so when she heard about this South Korean lab where dogs were cloned, she didn’t hesitate for a second. She knew that she wanted her “baby” back, and she was willing to pay a huge sum for that: $50,000!

South Korea is the only country in the world where the very controversial subject of dog cloning is perceived as morally acceptable. Here dog cloning is perfectly legal, so this was Tarantola’s only chance to get her precious pet back. She witnessed the cloned dog’s birth via Skype and she decided to name it Double Trouble.

A few weeks after its birth, the cute puppy reached her home all fluffy and healthy. But the story doesn’t end here! What could make this happy ending even happier? Why, a Triple Trouble, of course! Yes, Double Trouble will soon get an identical brother to play with.

Miss Your Dog? Clone It for $50,000! (1)

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