Millionaire Pays $1.3 Million For A Meal By Accident

Millionaire Pays $1.3 Million For A Meal By Accident (2)

Well, we’ve covered our fair share of expensive dishes, and some of them were certainly worth their asking price tags, but it looks like someone actually managed to pay $1.3 million for a simple three-course meal, albeit by accident. The incident happened in Scotland at an Indian restaurant owned by one Abdul Wahid, who received a substantial donation from a millionaire who insisted on paying for his meal via credit card.

Millionaire Pays $1.3 Million For A Meal By Accident (2)

The paying process did not go smoothly due to a series of errors, but since the client insisted on inputting the sum himself, he ended up paying £1 million instead of just £100. After calling the bank and confirming the transaction, the customer quickly managed to withdraw the funds, and everything was settled appropriately, much to his relief, we imagine.

Millionaire Pays $1.3 Million For A Meal By Accident (1)