Impressive Normal Earbuds Will Always Fit You Just Right

Thanks to the wonders of 3D printing, we are now able to enjoy unprecedented levels of convenience. During the last few years, we’ve seen 3D printers create all sorts of objects such as shoes, cups, ornamental pieces or even medical prosthetics, but what we are about to present next is actually meant to improve the way we listen to our favorite songs.

The Normal Earbuds are quite special but not because they strive to deliver an unparalleled level of audio fidelity, but because they are built in such a way that they would mold perfectly onto your year for utmost comfort. Naturally, since the earbuds are made to fit the ear completely, they can also deliver a great audio experience by keeping sound loss at a bare minimum.

However, since we all have ears of different shapes and sizes, the makers of this high-end product had to use a customized manufacturing procedure that would ensure that the earbuds would always fit perfectly. The procedure requires potential customers to get ear measurements at The Factory in New York before receiving their personalized earbuds on the spot. An alternative comes in the form of the Normals App, which makes use of a regular phone camera in order to take a picture of your ear and produce an ear-bud specifically for your canal.

The price for the Normal Earbuds is relatively steep though, $199 to be precise, but since we’re talking about a fully customized, durable and innovative product, the price is definitely worth paying.

